Children from 0 to 4 years of age enter free."}],"button_no_home":"MORE BENEFITS","title":"WHY BOOK WITH US?","altern":"10%, 15% & 25%<\/span> OFF IN YOUR PURCHASE*","button":"See more benefits","benefits":[{"name":"ON YOUR PURCHASE","title":"10% OFF","img":"img\/svg\/discount-10.svg","description":"By purchasing 7-20 days in advance your tour.<\/strong> It does not apply to combinations of two or more parks or tours."},{"name":"ON YOUR PURCHASE","title":"15% OFF","img":"img\/svg\/discount-15.svg","description":"By purchasing at least 21 days in advance your tour.<\/strong> It also applies on the purchase of combinations of two parks or tours."},{"name":"ON YOUR PURCHASE","title":"20% OFF<\/strong>","img":"img\/svg\/discount-20.svg","description":"On the purchase of combinations of three or more parks or tours."},{"name":"FOR CHILDREN","title":"25% discount","img":"img\/svg\/beneficio-childrens.svg","description":"For children from 5 to 11 years old on the adult price. Children from 0 to 4 years of age enter free."},{"name":"SECURE SHOPPING","title":"Secure Shopping","img":"img\/svg\/compra-segura.svg","description":"We offer you an online shopping experience that is safe and secure. In addition, you may have assistance during your trip."},{"name":"LOWEST RATES","title":"The lowest rates on the market","img":"img\/svg\/precios-bajos.svg","description":"You will find the lowest prices guaranteed only on our websites. Book online and save more with us!"},{"name":"SPECIAL COUNTERS","title":"Special counters for pre-paid customers","img":"img\/svg\/taquillas-preferenciales.svg","description":"When you arrive at our parks, you can give your ticket to one of our special counters for a faster access."},{"name":"WEATHER GUARANTEE","title":"Weather guarantee","img":"img\/svg\/garantia-mal-clima.svg","description":"Your purchase has a weather guarantee that is valid before using your coupon (not refundable). Your coupon is good for 1 year from date of purchase. Schedule change must be made 24 hours before your visit. Any change in dates cannot be made on the same day of the expected visit. Terms and Conditions apply."}]} }">